10 January 2009

Almost 50

Kenny shared with tonight that he's been an usher at St. Paul's for almost 50 years. WOW! When I first came to St. Paul's, Earl was the fixture at early and Kenny at late. AND Kenny did all the special services (like Tenebrae when the lights are rather tricky). He's been working at Sears some Sundays in the last several years and so is not ALWAYS at second service. But he's been a fixture, let me tell you. I remember him so well from the days when I was a student here - and that's closing on 30 years! Thanks be to God for faithful servants of the Church like Kenny - may the Lord grant him many more years!


  1. Sunday School teachers too! I remember two people who deeply influenced my life, who were Sunday School teachers forever - Mr. Wohlrabe and Mrs. Holtz. Year after year, class after class, for how many years I do not know. They were permanent fixtures and an inspiration to us all.

  2. Kind of like my former organist who retired after being our organist for 60 years. He still fills in once in a while.

    I also had a Sunday School teacher who had taught for 75 years. What a gem!

  3. We have a gentleman at our congregation who is like your Kenny.

    Our "Kenny" is knicknamed PeeWee, and he's a treasure.
