25 January 2009

Conversion of St. Paul

What a joy to celebrate this feast today!  For many Christians throughout the world, this brings the end of the week of prayer for Christian unity.  Our intercessions today took some note of this, with the petition:

Father of our Lord, You would gather Your family as one around Your holy table. Heal the sad divisions of Your church, and grant the day to come when Your whole Church, sharing a common faith, may feast as one at the table of Your Son’s body and blood. Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Truly a giant among the holy apostles, St. Paul's conversion was one of the greatest gifts the Church could ever have received from her risen Lord - through him, our Lord has given us so very much. Just think of how his words accompany us through our pilgrimage and give us the strength to face death itself: "For I am persuaded..."

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