02 January 2009

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

Only the person who celebrates a happy Christmas can also celebrate a happy New Year. Only the person who knows that he has a Savior can set out comforted on the pilgrim's journey of this life. Such a person may always be a poor sinner, but he does not deceive himself when he looks into the future with great joys, hope, and confidence. In him, God will do more than he can ask for or understand. He has the Savior as helmsman and His cross as sail. He can, then, rejoicingly weigh anchor and boldly pilot on the open sea of life. His ship does not run aground, it is not wrecked, and it does not go under. Instead, it will certainly arrive in safe harbor, in this year or another one. -- C. F. W. Walther, *God Grant It!* p. 91

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