30 January 2009

Speaking of Working Out...

Today completes five months since I started again. Thus far, not one day missed. I've enjoyed it immensely, surprised at how my almost 50 year old body is responding, and holding steady in the weight at around 148. Waist size has definitely shrunk though. Size 30s are just fine; size 31s (what I am wearing today) a bit loose. Who'd have ever thunk it? I'm itching like crazy for spring and summer, though, because I want to add in a bike ride each day that I don't do the regular workout at the Y. OH! I was fretting about the conferences I'll be doing this summer and wondering how I could manage to keep up with the exercise. I forgot all about the Y card having "Away" on it, so we can go to ANY Y and still workout. I'm psyched. I've worked out before, but I don't think I've ever seen the results as clearly as this time, and I know I've never worked so hard before. My sessions at the Y are some of the big highlights for me of my week (yeah, I know what that says about my life - but I like BORING!).


  1. This still sounds like The View to me. Spare us the pictures in your biking shorts, puleeeese!

  2. THOSE pics I'll send directly to you, Cwirla. YOU are the one known for wearing lycra biking shorts, after all... ;)

  3. Boomer? YES. But a FIT boomer who is becoming fitter, God willing, each week. And it's all Hall's fault...

  4. Thanks, Pastor, for your testimony. Albeit in this case a testimony of life temporal rather than of the life eternal, you are nonetheless giving witness, and it is encouraging. Your report on how WELL you are doing with your exercise inspires me to get back on track.

    Being healthy is a good thing.

  5. Cantor,

    For the kind words, thanks! And I do hope you get "back on track." I know that Pr. Hall's push to do the same was what encouraged me. And you know what I listen to when I work out? Heirs of the Reformation! I think I've got the music just about memorized. I love it, absolutely love it. All that time exhausting the body and refreshing the spirit.

  6. OK, I will confess. I wish I had as much gumption as you do, P-Dub.

    Just no spandex or lycra.

  7. Lucciola,

    LOL. No fear of the lycra. Well, except I may HAVE to get some pics to send to Cwirla. Nah, scratch that. I can just SEE what he'd do with them!!! [And if he passed them onto Sandra O, I'd never live it down]

  8. Face it Weedon: You have become a god-like specimen of humanity.

  9. THAT will be the day! :)

    Your post, Paul, reminds me of the famous tee-shirt quip:

    "I have the body of a god...

    Hey, Buddha is a god!" ;)

  10. Well, except I may HAVE to get some pics to send to Cwirla. Nah, scratch that. I can just SEE what he'd do with them!!!

    Oh yes. We would welcome any pictures of the Venerable Weed in his slimmed down and buff incarnation for his upcoming plenary talks at this year's Higher Things "Sola" conferences.


  11. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Hmmm... maybe you deserve a new moniker? How about Weedon the lean mean preaching machine? I like it. :)

    A Boomer Friend

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    I don't think you remember quite clearly the last time you worked out like this (you're obviously getting old) you were quite buff. Yes, I recall the pictures of you flexing your arms...
