28 January 2009

Today has been

...rather hectic, but in between other duties, I've squeezed some more time to study Krauth in. I know our Lord's wisdom and timing are perfect, but in my foolish "what if" moments I can't help but wish I'd encountered his writings years ago. So much agony spared; so many points clarified; such depth of insight combined with fervent love and kindness. I have a list of Krauth books I intent to xerox when next I'm at the seminary library. I read and reread *Conservative Reformation* and still I go on learning from him. I recommend him highly to any who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in our Synod and of our beloved Lutheran Church in general - and especially to those who are tempted to abandon our Lutheran Confession itself due to our generally abysmal condition. You owe it to yourselves to read and study this man before you make such a move. I think you'll be heartened and amazed. I know I have been.


  1. Der Vorsteher spricht -- in my first year or two of being Lutheran, I would look at the fine young pastor, in his first call, who stepped in and handled our situation so well, and think why could I not have grown up like that, good Lutheran family, good Lutheran education, good Lutheran pastoral formation, good Lutheran pastor, and miss the almost unendurable agony of Catholic belief followed by Vatican II followed by loss of Christian faith of any kind altogether.

    Yet, it was precisely that which allowed me to see the Gospel accurately and rightly stated in the Lutheran Confessions when the grace of God graced me with them; without that, I might never have known what I know now.

    Likewise, the prior agony may be exactly that which prepared the clarification, the heartening, the amazement, which Krauth's writings have been.

  2. Past Elder's statements say much :-)

    So (right) now I have no further comments.


  3. I have frequently lamented my the paths I have taken in my Christian journey. Tears well in my eyes when I not only think about poorly invested years and efforts but also in how those failings may have impacted on our children.

    Nonetheless, on this I agree with PE. The "prior agony" is what prepared us to be able to receive what comes after. And I have faith that the same good God, Who loves mankind, and has led me will guide my children as well.

    So while there is still a part of me that carries much regret...I also know that the struggle was a good thing...as struggles usually are. We just don't like them!

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    You have purchased a copy card from the desk at the sem library right? It lowers the price by a couple of pennies per copy.

  5. the saint your church is named after could have asked your question: Why not the Damascus Road before the approval of Stephen's death? But Luther might respond that belongs to the hidden will of God. Rest instead on what you know of His revealed will.

    (btw, thank you for letting me make your schedule a little more hectic yesterday.)

  6. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Before you photocopy, check and make sure it hasn't already been digitized at Google books. It's amazing what's they've already done!

