01 February 2009

Purification of Mary and Presentation of Our Lord

(which actually falls tomorrow) will be observed at St. Paul's in the Divine Service on Wednesday, February 4th, at 6:15 p.m. Come and join us!

In peace and joy I now depart
Since God so wills it.
Serene and confident my heart;
Stillness fills it.
For the Lord has promised me
That death is but a slumber.

Christ Jesus brought this gift to me,
My faithful Savior,
Whom You have made my eyes to see
By Your favor.
Now I know He is my life,
My friend when I am dying.

You sent the people of the earth
Their great salvation;
Your invitation summons forth
Ev'ry nation
By Your holy, precious Word
In ev'ry place resounding.

Christ is the hope and saving light
Of those in blindness;
He guides and comforts those in night
By His kindness.
For Your people Israel
In Him find joy and glory.
(LSB 938)

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