30 March 2009

Nah, he's not dingy...

...just because Cindi walked in and said: "Why is David's car in my spot and why is it running?"

I've only been home for about 1/2 hour, so I really don't know how long he's had it sit there wasting gas.

Silly boy.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Good thing David's not in Minneapolis. It is against the law here to let your vehicle idle for more than three (3) minutes. Quite the hefty fine for violators...$200.

  2. I come from a family that believes that cars need to be "warmed up" (in North Carolina!) (20 minutes or longer is not unheard of). Our neighbor does the same. His car was happily purring this morning to warm up the car in the 49 degree early morning chill. : ) I'm too cheap to use the gas, so I just start it up and go.

  3. Me too, Jim. EXCEPT when the car has been iced over. Then I'm not opposed to letting the heater make my job of cleaning the windshields a bit easier.

  4. Ice on the car obviates any criticism of warming, global or otherwise.

  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Well then. I'm not the only one. and you're not allowed to make fun of me anymore!

  6. Yes, well. He at least did not leave it run all night...
