02 May 2009

I Just Celebrated

my first Nuptial Divine Service - we had a Nuptial Divine Service for our wedding, but that was 27 years ago and I wasn't officiating. It really is beautiful to celebrate a wedding within THE WEDDING, a feast within THE FEAST. Matt and Darcy, may the Lord grant you many, many joyful, child-filled years in Jesus Christ! And Darcy, words can't begin to say how much we're going to miss you at St. Paul's - thanks for all you've done for us over the years. Above all, thanks for your unquenchable spirit!


  1. Congratulations, Scott! And thanks be to the Giver of all good gifts!

  2. That's awesome. If I were ever to get married, I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I think a great deal of mean is lost when a wedding is celebrated outside the celebrating of Christ's marriage to the Church. It seems like it's taking marriages out of their natural context. After all, our marriages are only a consequence of the true marriage of the Divine Bridegroom with His Bride.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Did you tell him what I told you to tell him? Or did you forget!?

    AND...we were going to. Till we decided it would offend too many people.

  4. What a privilege. Congratulations to all involved.

  5. In my former church body, getting married in a ceremony not within the mass would be the exception, and an exception that must be approved for cause!

    Unaccustomed as I am to having much good to say about my former church body, marriage of a bride and groom within the marriage of the Bride the Church and the Groom Christ really is a good idea.

    It would also revise the commonplace that Protestant weddings take 15-20 minutes and Catholic ones an hour!
