07 June 2009

The Joy of the Day

Today we got to celebrate the Festival of the Holy Trinity - joy beyond words! Not only did we get to sing some of my favorite hymns ("Come, Holy Ghost Creator Blest", "Isaiah, Mighty Seer," "Father, Most Holy," "Ye Watchers") and receive our Lord's holy Body and Blood, but I also got to see my dear friend Fr. David Meinzen; welcome Pr. Ries and his family join us for worship; and finally, solemnize the marriage of my beloved colleague and friend Pr. Larry Meinzen - the marriage followed immediately after the late service.

Let me tell you, you've not heard singing till you have a roomful of Meinzens and Sachtlebens joying in the Blessed Trinity together! Glorious!!!


  1. Pr. Meinzen got married?!?! That's all kinds of awesome! Give the couple my love!

  2. Shall do so, Charlie! Pax!

  3. We had the joy of witnessing a couple joined in Holy Matrimony today as well. The ceremony was held during the Divine Service at University Lutheran in Minneapolis today. Very nice service!

  4. Father David was an important man on my journey to where I am today. I may attend his parish next Sunday during my visit to Fort Wayne, otherwise, I might attend the parish where the former Pr Harju is attending. OH THE DECISIONS!

    Congratulations to the new couple!
