11 August 2009

By Faith

By faith the saints of old held fast to Your promise of things hoped for though not yet seen, leaving an example and encouragement for us who walk now by faith and not by sight.

Grant that we may faithfully eat and drink this Holy Supper of Your Son's body and blood and in the union of His mystical body, the Church, be joined in unending praise with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Moses, Elijah, and all the faithful prophets; the blessed apostles and evangelists, the holy martyrs, and all the saints in glory who fought the good fight of faith before us.

--Prayer of Thanksgiving, Saints Days, Divine Service IV

1 comment:

  1. We always use DS IV in the summertime with piano (and in any weekday Divine Services)and, while I would not like to use this service every week, it does have a lot of beauty in it. I always look forward to my summer friend!
