03 September 2009

A Look at Health Care Reform

from a Lutheran perspective. Good stuff here, as always, from Pr. Matthew Harrison's office, introduced by the Director of Life and Health Ministries, Maggie Karner:

A Lutheran Response


  1. Garry Trammell8:14 PM

    Thank you for posting this. This is the best response I've seen to date. I've shared this with a number of others.

  2. Good stuff... but I give it an incomplete. In not wanting to even appear as if they are overstepping the two kingdoms principle, there is much that we could say in a non-political way. Issues of discrimination (as seen in pre-existing conditions), abuse of patients or fraud(in the medicare racket requiring a certain amount of therapy to qualify for reimbursement irregardless of the condition of the patient), etc all fall into 5th commandment issues. We need not speak to the specifics of the bill... but there is much more that could be said to guide the consciences of the people of our Church.
