29 October 2009

And speaking of commemorating the dead...

...who yet live in Christ - today the famous organist and composer, Paul Manz, entered glory. I have loved his music ever since I first heard it at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew in Silver Spring, MD. I got to hear him play but once, and it was an experience never to be forgotten. My favorite choral piece of his is, of course, "E'en So" (which our quartet will hopefully sing this month in honor of the great man's passing) but when it comes to organ works, "God of Grace and God of Glory" is my hands down favorite. HT to Fr. Peters for this video:


  1. MY, MY, digital sampling has come a long ways!

  2. Here's the organ the samples were taken from:

    Kinda neat.

  3. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Wow! Thanks for posting this.

    Rich Futrell

  4. Dr Manz is now listening to the music of the angels. What a concert that must be for a great musician of the Church to experience! Who knows; perhaps the angels will sing one of his compositions or have him do a little further composing for them.
