04 January 2010

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

If one is well instructed in the Bible, his understanding of the liturgy will be immeasurably enhanced, while at the same time his knowledge of the liturgy should lead to an ever greater appreciation of the great teachings of Christianity. Liturgical forms are a simply a means of deepening and strengthening the spiritual life of those who have been addressed by the Word. -- Ernest Koenker, *Worship in Word and Sacrament* p. 26


  1. There is a statement which I have heard from clergy and hierarchs of the EO, that if all the Bibles of the world were to disappear, Scripture could be totally reconstructed from the Liturgies and prayer offices. So abundant is Scripture in our Liturgy that for anyone to denounce Liturgy as unscriptural or to disregard it as a manmade affectation really doesn't know what he is talking about.

  2. Chris,

    Couldn't agree more.

  3. I was also taught during seminary that the Orthodox do not have as much in the writings for dogmatics because they rely more heavily on the living witness to Scripture and theology in the liturgy.

  4. I should clarify that I'd include WESTERN liturgy in the equation: it is so replete with Scripture that again it could be reconstructed. Shoot, just consider what's in the Daily Office.
