07 April 2010

Here's a Bold Question:

Who is a delegate for the Synodical convention who is willing to state at this point that they have made up their mind to cast their vote for Matthew Harrison? Is there any way to find out how many of us there are out there BEFORE we hit the convention?

I'll start. I'm a delegate, and I'm voting for Harrison.



  1. I'm number two for Harrison. and my lay delegate would be #3.

  2. Oh, the lay delegate from our circuit is also a Harrison vote. That would be #4.

  3. I'm a delegate I'm voting for Harrison. I believe the lay delegate will too. That's 6.

  4. Anonymous3:36 PM

    With the full support of our circuit in Idaho I will cast my vote for Harrison

  5. Both the pastoral delegate and lay delegate (a member of our congregation) from our circuit will be voting for Harrison - so that's #8 and #9 (counting revswim as #7).

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I am a lay delegate and the pastoral delegate from my circuit are solidly in favor of Rev. Matthew Harrison. It's not personal, we just believe he's the best man for the job right now.

  7. I'm a lay delegate, and will be voting for Pastor Harrison.

  8. Up here in the not so frozen north, myself (pastoral delegate) and our circuit's lay delegate will both be voting for Rev. Harrison. As someone else noted, it is not personal, Harrison is just the right man for the job at this time.

  9. My husband is a lay delegate, and both he and the pastor-delegate from our circuit are voting for Harrison.

  10. Well, you know my pastor is voting for Harrison. I don't know how many we get, but they'll all be for Harrison.

  11. Hmm, Harrison or Kieschnick, Harrison or Kieschnick. . . . Well, as a delegate, I think I will vote for Kie--no, wait, I think it's time to vote for Harrison!

  12. I am a delegate and I plan on voting for Harrison.

  13. Both pastoral and lay delegates in our circuit will be voting for Harrison.

  14. Ironic part is when I was a lay delegate one of the people in the DP ballot concentrated on the "I" in the ordination and installation and not, "with the help of the Holy Spirit". Needless to say I didn't vote for him.
    Go Harrison!!!

  15. I guess I'm 21??

  16. Here's a poll that friend set up. I suspect it will be far more effective than trying to keep track of things this way:


  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I am a pastoral delegate from Kansas and I will be voting for Harrison

    Rev. Michael Schmidt

  18. I noticed that a certain blog author is also on the ballot for another office....
    (and I think it would be safe to say the two delegates from my circuit are voting for Harrison.)
