If one uses Matins, the normal order after Benedictus is Kyrie, Our Father, Collect of Day, other prayers, Collect of Grace, Benedicamus, Benediction. On Wednesdays, though, the "other prayers" is the Litany for the Dying. When such a litany is used, the order for the prayers would change slightly: Litany for the dying, Our Father, Collect of Day, Collect of Grace, Benedicamus and Benediction. The reason for this is that the litany is in its essence a riff on the Kyrie - note how it begins and how often the plea for mercy rings out in the body of the litany.
until recently I had a hard time with this litany, wanting to make it more of a normal, general litany for everyone. but I've come to see the beauty of leaving it as is and praying for those near death (didn't know last week when I prayed it that I was praying for a member who entered rest this morning. Her health went from great Wednesday to poor Thursday to life support Friday to Monday (to breathing without life support Monday through this morning! God can sure surprise us.)