06 June 2010


was fabulous today in singing the Introit, Gradual and Verse in beautiful 4-part harmony, but the crown jewel was singing "Lord, Thee I Love" with the quartet doing the second stanza during the distribution of the holy Sacrament.  Beautiful, just beautiful.


  1. I couldn't agree more. They sounded amazing.

  2. what setting in 4 part harmony? did you know that there are healey willan arrangements in 4 parts for all the propers?

  3. Now, Sean, you know I'm an LSB man. They sang tone B in the harmonies from the Organist edition. Worked very well. I do love Wilan, though...

  4. Also rather striking to me was how loud the singing of "Lord, Thee I Love" was compared to "Lord of Glory" which we sang next. Old hyfrydol is a nice enough tune, but it just can't stand up next to "Lord, Thee I Love."

  5. Rev. Kevin Jennings3:09 PM

    One of my all time favorite hymns. I especially love the third stanza.
