24 October 2010

Busy, Busy Day!

This morning Pr. Allen Braun served as deacon at the late service, and then he and his wonderful family joined us for a meal:

Maria is one of our darling godchildren; she's sitting beside her beautiful mommy:  Laura

That's Bekah (barely visible), Christina, Clarissa, Laura, Katherine and Sam

Then after hearing some confessions, the joy of Catechism Service - and the focus on John 18-19.  I tried to wrap that up in time to get to the Youth Group's big Paint Ball activity - wow, the kids turned out and brought a ton of friends.  We think we had closing in on 40 youth show up.  We even ran out of guns!  Veronica did a great job leading the devotion (thanks to Higher Things - we swiped today's devotion from them!), and after some hotdogs and snacks they were off splatting each other royally!

Note:  these are NOT youth!

Neither is he, but he likes guns...and he's a lot nearer to youth than the other two!


  1. Anonymous5:17 AM

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  2. Anonymous5:18 AM

    "Note: These are not youth."

    I see you are not using the JPII definition then. :)
