17 November 2010

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

It isn't so important whether your pastor is some dashing Gregory Peck type or a bit of an old dodderer.  The seeds are the same, and that is what matters most.  The words are the Lord's; He grows them.  -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Selected Sermons, p. 366.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The apostle Paul says: "I planted the
    seed, Apollos watered it, but God
    made it grow. So neither he who
    plants nor he who waters is anything
    but only God who makes things grow.
    1 Cor.3:6,7 We are all gardeners
    who need to roll up our sleeves and
    keep planting and watering. Only God
    causes the growth in His garden. The
    Gregory Peck types usually do not
    want to get their hands dirty.

  2. Dr. Nagel proceeds to cite just that passage...

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Man, I'm relieved. I always thought those old doddlers had some kind of advantage on me. Not true. Not at all true.

    Tom Fast
