For those who can make it (spread the word!), this coming Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. we celebrate the day of St. Andrew, the Apostle. This festival is always very dear to my heart, for it was at the Lutheran Church of St. Andrew where I was baptized, confirmed, married, and ordained! Remind anyone you see who might like to attend.
All praise, O Lord, for Andrew,
The first to welcome You,
Whose witness to his brother
Named You Messiah true.
May we, with hearts kept open,
To You throughout the year,
Confess to friend and neighbor
Your advent ever near.
LSB 517:5
Almighty God, by Your grace the apostle Andrew obeyed the call of Your Son to be a disciple. Grant us also to follow the same Lord Jesus Christ in heart and life, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Which in turn all fits with Advent, which begins on the Sunday closest to the feast of St Andrew!