15 November 2010

Sunday early service

brought the great joy of being the Lord's instrument for the baptizing of  Jamie Rose - bringing her out of death into life, planting her into the Redeemer in whom there is forgiveness and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.  Her father wrote a lovely hymn for the occasion too.  Here are a few pics that the proud parents were kind enough to send my way this evening taken after she was born anew in living water.  She's a beautiful young lady!


  1. Won't you share the text of this new baptism hymn?

  2. Paul, I'll see if I can get permission.

  3. I've received permission:

    Little ones, to His arms run.
    God can't wait to embrace
    Each of you and then renew
    Your souls with water's grace.
    By His name God works to tame
    Your hearts that rage so wild.
    Little ones, through Spirit, Son,
    Our Father calls you child.

    Little ones, daughters and sons,
    Do you know who are you?
    Precious you beyond value,
    Brighter than any star.
    For your sake, Christ came to take
    Your cross of death and sin.
    Little ones, for you He won
    A place as God's own kin.

    Little ones, why would you shun
    Those sinners now in pain?
    Bring to them as earthly friends
    The hope of heaven's reign.
    Don't dismay at their decay,
    For you were once lost too.
    Little ones, with arms wide flung,
    Share love as God loves you.

    Little ones, both young and old,
    Whatever life may bring,
    You will need in thought and deed
    Help from your Father King.
    Claim as yours what God outpours,
    The gifts His Word has blessed.
    Little ones, oh please still run
    Into God's arms of rest.
