22 December 2010

Also interesting

that the Magdeburg Book calls them First Christmas Day, Second Christmas Day, and Third Christmas Day, but the readings reflect Christmas Day, St. Stephen's Day, and St. John's Day.  The "epistle" for St. John's Day comes from Sirach 15:1-6.  The collect for Christmas Day continues to be used, along with the Christmas Sequence (Grates nunc omnes) and the Preface for Christmas.  The Day of the Innocents is also indicated as Fourth Christmas Day, but upon this day the Mass was not celebrated, just the Office was sung.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    What was the Christmas Sequence (auf English please...)?

  2. Actually, I wrote that without looking. I shouldn't have! The Sequence for Christmas is this:

    Natus ante saecula Dei filius invisibilis interminus

    Born before the beginning, the Son of God, without limit,

    Perquem fit machina caeli ac terrae maris et in his degentium

    Through whom heaven, earth, and sea were made, and all things that dwell therein,

    Per quem dies et horae labant et se iterum reciprocant

    Through whom the days and hours flicker and are rekindled,

    Quem angeli in arcepoli voce consona semper canunt:

    Whom the angels in the celestial realm continually proclaim with harmonious voice,

    Hoc corpus assumpserat fragile Sine labe originalis criminis de carne Mariae virginis quo primi parentis culpam Aevaeque lasciviam tergeret.

    He had taken on a feeble body-without the stain of original sin, from the flesh of the Virgin Mary-through which the guilt of the first parent and the lust of Eve might be wiped clean.

    Haec praesens die cula loquitur Praelucida adaucta longitudine, quod sol verus radio sui luminis vetustas mundi depulerit genitus tenebras.

    Hence the present short day, this day of brilliant light, speaks forth, growing in length, because the true Sun, the newly begotten Son, by the rays of its light, has expelled the long-standing darkness.

    Nec nox vacat novi sideris luce, quod magorum oculos terruit scios

    Neither did the night lack the light of the new star, for it struck fear in the knowing eyes of the Magi

    Nec gregum magistris defuit lumen, quos praestrinxit claritas militum Dei.

    Nor was the light invisible to the shepherds, for they were awestruck by the glory of the heavenly host.

    Gaude, dei genitrix, quam circumstant obstetricum vice concinentes angeli gloriam deo.

    Rejoice, O Mother of God, whom, in place of a midwife, angels surround singing, “Glory of God”

    Christe patris unice, qui humannum nostri causa formam assumpsisti, refove supplices tuos,

    O Christ, only begotten of the Father, who has taken human form for our sake, restore your humble servants;

    Et quorum participem te fore dignatus es, Jesu, clementer eorum suscipe preces,

    And you share in their suffering, Jesus, you humbled yourself that you might deign to receive their prayers,

    Ut ipsos divinitatis tuae participes Deus, facere digneris, unice Dei!

    So that you might deign to make them companions in your divinity, O only begotten God!

  3. Right, Grates nunc omnes was for Christmas Midnight in most orders, I think.
