25 December 2010

Christmas This and That

Yesterday, Cindi and I were up by 5:30 and out to the gym.  Home to fix breakfast.  Dave and Jo, Lauren and Dean, David and Meaghan, Bekah and Cindi and I sat down to a meal of cinnamon rolls, Christmas kringler, cinnamon bread (thanks, Steph and Carlo!), bacon and fried ham.  Then we opened our presents (morning of the 24th has become our family tradition).  Yesterday evening was the Children's service (at which they did OUTSTANDING - way to go Beth!), a time of visiting back at the parsonage and then the Candlelight First Divine Service for the Nativity - with some very great music (thank you Quartet, Cindi and Amilia and of course Carlo).  Finally to bed around 1:30 or so.  This a.m., Divine Service was at 9 - much, much joy as the bells rang, the choir sang, and the congregation greeted the Nativity with exuberant joy.  A quick hospital visit to Ray and then off to St. Louis for Christmas Dinner with Dean and Lauren, Tim and Lynn, Brad and Jessica, and all of us (including Dave and Jo).  We were very thankful Jo could make it - brave lady, venturing out in the mess.  A wonderful, hectic and crazy couple days!

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