21 December 2010

Feast Day of St. Thomas, the Apostle

I trust in You, O Lord, I say:  "You are my God." (Introit) ...  Almighty God, You strengthened Your apostle Thomas with firm and certain faith in the resurrection of Your Son (collect)... It was dry on the fleece only and on all the ground there was dew (OT)... Their voice has gone out into all the world (Gradual)... That we may no longer be children, tossed to and fo by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine (Epistle)... Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (Alleluia / Gospel)... For You, O resurrected Lord, Are found in means divine; Beneath the water and the Word, Beneath the bread and wine (Hymn of the Day).

The old Sequence for the Day (Magdeburg, 1613):

O Holy Christ, Teacher of the Apostles, Firstborn over all creation, Ruler of Your Kingdom, govern Your Church’s behavior and life.  You first called the rude fishermen and they brought all the world together before your royal throne.  They vanquished the tyranny of Satan and sin not with carnal weapons, but by the ministry of Your Word, which is none other than the sublime and worthy office of Peter, Paul, Matthew, Thomas, Bartholomew, John, Philip, Simon and also James, Andrew, and Thaddeus, famous warriors of God!  From east to west and throughout the whole world, they are fathers of joy in the teaching of the faith, therefore grant us to abide in the same teaching, we pray you, O Christ!

Divine Service this evening:  6 p.m.


  1. Nice sequence! Could you post or send a digital version of the original?

  2. No way. Not to a Latin expert!!! I shudder to think about what I got wrong. :) Seriously, I don't have a scanner. I can try to take a digital pic, though. Will see what I can come up with.

  3. No worries. Not too many errors! :) Here is my rough translation. Sorry it took so long, I was baking cookies.


  4. Is this used in the Magdeburg book for every Apostle's feast?
