18 December 2010

Home Alone Tonight

and for some reason, looking at the tree and remembering and missing those who have long since gone:  Mom and Daddy, Joe, Grandma Bess and Granddaddy Chance, Aunt Gee, Aunt Hattie, Sidney and Pete, Ruth, Virginia, Becky, Loretta, Aunt Fanny and Uncle Leon, Aunt Emma and Uncle Jim, Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Betty, Aunt Kitty and Uncle Al, Aunt Ada and Uncle Archie, Aunt Connie, Granddaddy Mastin, Nana, Aunt June and Uncle Bill, Grandma and Grandpa DeVries.  The ghosts of Christmases past, I suppose.  They always seem so near at this time of the year, and I am saddened to think my children (now grown) will never know so many of these wonderful people who shaped my life and Cindi's life and showed such kindness to us across the years.  I think of so many Christmases past and remember...God rest them each and every one, and may we meet again in the joys of that Kingdom where death is gone and the goodbyes are forever over.


  1. Thanks for this, Pastor Weeden. It's especially meaningful as I remember and my father and his sister, my Aunt Marie Therese who both died within months of each other, she in the spring and he on Sept. 24 of 2006 (my mother's birthday). I do look forward to seeing them both when our Lord welcomes us all home.

    Blessings of this holy season to you and yours from your fellow servant of Christ,
    Pastor Kevin Scheuller

  2. Thanks, Pastor Scheuller. And blessing to you and your family in these days. May the Little One who is death's defeat fill your heart with His peace!
