21 December 2010

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

Many times the evil one has told my weary heart, "Don't you know that your sins have earned you a sad descent into hell?"  But now I know my firm consolation against such fearsome words:  instead of a descent into hell, O Lord Jesus, You have won for me a certain ascent into heaven.  As surely as I deserve the penalty of hell for my sins, so certainly and truly have You cleared the road to heaven for me with Your merit.  You took the prince of the air, the evil one, captive and defeated him.  I can confidently say with Tertullian, "Rest easy, dear flesh and blood!  In the heavenly ascension of Christ, your forerunner, you already possess clear proof that you too shall ascend into heaven." -- Valerius Herberger, The Great Works of God, p. 266.

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