09 January 2011

Baptism of Our Lord

was a great joy last night and this morning.  The Bells of St. Paul and Pat on piano played a beautiful setting of Dix.  We got to baptize August Paul into the holy faith and bless the new image of St. Paul that graces the nave.  Came home and ate breakfast - Cindi made bacon and sausage and eggs, and we had all the kids home, except for Dean.  Then Lauren, Cindi and I helped move Bekah to her new apartment on campus.  It already feels entirely too quiet around here!  Came home, changed the paraments back to green, taught Catechesis and afterwards prepared bulletin for next Sunday to ship to Carlo and Joanie.  I *think* that means the rest of the evening is free - provided the phone does ring! And I could use a quiet evening after last night:  sometime after 3 a.m. we were awakened by a loud thunk and we looked out the window only to see headlights heading STRAIGHT toward the house.  Fortunately, the driver stopped just shy of the clothes line (a matter of feet from our and Bekah's bedrooms).  They got themselves together and drove off.  We went out to examine the damage this morning - half of a bush is gone and there are tracks through the whole yard and the ditch.  It was not a peaceful way to be awakened for Sunday - and, of course, we had trouble getting back to sleep...until just before the alarm went off!


  1. Did you get a chance to speak to the driver? Weird. Glad you are well, all things considered.

  2. No, he/she drove off before we could even think of getting dressed and heading outside. It was truly weird.

  3. Wow, thank God for his care. Glad you were safe, even though startled.

  4. Ah, I see the hand of the Allmighty here, warning you about going to green too soon!
    Can't we keep it festive 'til Feb 2 ?

  5. Anonymous8:55 PM

    The weird driver was from the
    Driving School of the Prophet Isaiah.
    Series "A" Lives and will do anything
    to get your attention. Have a Good

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    This discussion from a previous post appears to have legs!

  7. It seems the strangest things always happen on Saturday night or early Sunday morning.
