22 January 2011

Divine Service

was a joy tonight.  Pr. Gleason preached powerfully on our OT reading about Naaman and used it to unfold for us the nature of faith taking God as His Word, even when it seems silly to fallen, human reason.  The Lord is always far wiser than we are!  Carlo brought to God (and to us as a side benefit) his beautiful music - as usual.  And best of all, our Lord Jesus delivered into our mouths His body and blood for our forgiveness, life, and salvation.  We had as visitors tonight the reporter, Andy (and I assume his wife), who did the piece on St. Paul's back at the end of December for the Alton Telegraph.  He said:  "You all give the full load."  He appreciated the beauty of the chanting and the singing and such, but above all the beauty of the fullness of divine truth which every Divine Service rejoices to confess.  As he was leaving, Pastor Baker (THANK YOU!) gave me a copy of *Natural Law:  A Lutheran Reappraisal* which I've only begun to plough into, but have found to be absolutely outstanding so far.  Folks still commented upon the beauty of Pr. Gleason's work on the stained glass.  Yes, a joyous Divine Service indeed - and tomorrow early we'll have the joy of the TSP children adding their gifts to our praise of the glorious Trinity as He gives to us His gifts!

1 comment:

  1. It was very enjoyable. The fellowship and the gifts of both clergy and lay in that congregation are astounding. Above all are Christ and His gifts, so lavishly poured out each Divine Service.

    Robert at bioethike.com
