15 January 2011

In My Mother's Womb

In my mother's womb You knew me,
Though to human eye unknown.
Yours the hand that fashioned, shaped me.
Gave me father, mother, home.

In the water You received me;
Named me as Your own dear child.
Washed away my sin forever
As upon my life You smiled.

In Your holy Word You taught me,
Showed me there the way to live:
Every breath and every moment
I receive as gifts You give.

At Your table well You feed me,
Where I taste eternal joy.
Fed and nourished by Your presence
All my days Your praise employ.

When at last from earth You call me
And I stand before Your throne,
By Your own grace then receive me
As a child You've made Your own.

And while I on earth must wonder,
Help me every day to see
All of life as precious to You,
Let it precious be to me.

Father, Source of all things living!
Jesus, Life of everthing!
Spirit, Gift of Life eternal!
Three in One, Your praise I sing!


  1. Larry Luder12:29 PM

    Nice post. This is beautiful and well written. The title seems to only fit the the first line.

  2. Thanks, Larry. Something I wrote for a Life Sunday many moons ago.

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Is there a tune to this? I really want to SING it!

  4. Larry Luder7:38 PM

    Is there a tune to this? I really want to SING it!

    Interesting thought! If all fails, chanting works. Albeit I don't sing well,it did not deter me from giving it a go with, Of the Father’s Love Begotten. I think our Lord enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed singing it to him.
