31 January 2011


Jerusalem, O city fair and high,
Your tow'rs I yearn to see;
My longing heart to you would gladly fly,
It will not stay with me.
Elijah's chariot take me
Above the lower skies,
To heaven's bliss awake me,
Released from earthly ties.

O happy day, O yet far happier hour,
When will you to come at last,
When by my gracious Father's love and pow'r
I see that portal vast?
From heaven's shining regions
To greet me gladly come
Your blessed angel legions
To bid me welcome home.

The patriarchs' and prophets' noble train,
With all Christ's follow'rs true,
Who washed their robes and cleansed sin's guilty stain,
Sing praises ever new!
I see them shine forever,
Resplendent as the sun,
In light diminished never,
Their glorious freedom won.

Unnumbered choirs before the shining throne
Their joyful anthems raise
Till heaven's arches echo with the tone
Of that great hymn of praise.
And all its host rejoices,
And all its blessed throng
Unite their myriad voices
In one eternal song.

LSB 674

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Nicely done update of this classic text.
