21 January 2011

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

There are only priests if there are also those who are not priests.  If everyone is a priest, no one is a priest.  "Universal priesthood" is then a self-contradictory term. -- Dr. Norman Nagel, CTM 61:4, p. 278.


  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    1 Peter 2:9 "You are a chosen race,
    a royal priesthood, a holy nation..."
    The emphasis is on the church as
    a corporate unity rather than an
    individualistic Christian. The
    Apostle Peter is conscious of the
    New Testament Church as a new
    corporate entity set apart by God
    to serve Him. Dr. Nagel would
    understand that we are all servants
    rather than priests in the Old
    Testament sense of the word.

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    What is the good Dr. speaking 'against' in his article?


  3. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Hi Karl:
    I thank Dr. Nagel is speaking against
    a CPH book by Oscar Feucht entitled
    "Everyone a Minister" published in
    the 1970's. Feucht was an editor at
    Concordia Publishing House and a
    very humble and scholarly man.
    Feucht was stressing the priesthood
    of all believers and some felt he
    took it too far. Martin Luther also
    believed in the priesthood of all
    believers. Feucht believed the laity were not being used enough
    in the local parish to carry out
    the ministry of Christ and His

  4. The article is *Luther and the Priesthood of All Believers.* At this point in the article he is noting that other peoples outside God's priestly people Israel, are by definition not priests, not those who draw near to God to do service for all the world.

  5. Anonymous4:38 PM

    There is a typo in above post:
    It should read: "I THINK Dr. Nagel"

  6. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Koenig drawing on Luther stated that the vocation of Christians is to be priests to the world of unbelievers. They act as priests as they pray the Lord's Prayer, especially the second petition.
    Short quotations sometime need the context in order to properly understand them.

  7. Kleinig's point is exactly where Nagel is heading with this, I believe.
