02 January 2011

What Joy Today

as we anticipated the Feast of Epiphany.  We decided to have only a single service, and it was wonderful to see the place so packed on this day.  I almost wanted to say:  "Please introduce yourselves to your fellow parishioners" since we have some folks who are pretty steadfast at only attending the Saturday or the 7:45 or the 10 o'clock liturgy all together for once.  It was great to have a full house, belting out the Epiphany hymns.  We installed officers for 2011.  Cindi and Bekah did a lovely piece during distribution:  "One Small Child" that Carlo had written some harmony for.  We ran out of elements and had to consecrate new ones; we ran out of distribution hymns (even though we had that anthem AND three other hymns).  And to crown the day - the SUN was actually shining brightly and lighting up the sanctuary, celebrating along with us:  "Behold, the Lord, the Ruler, has come; and the kingdom and the power and glory are in His hand!"  Next week our regular schedule resumes and we'll have the joy of the Baptism of Our Lord together with the baptism of little August Paul at the late liturgy.

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