05 February 2011

And so Epiphany

begins to wend to its close.  I told the folks at Divine Service tonight to pay careful attention to the readings; for they'd not hear them again for another 27 years - by which time I'd likely be dead or put out to pasture.  It is a very long Epiphany season this year, Easter falling so very, very late - April 24th.  Ascension this year will not even arrive until June 2, which means Pentecost will fall on June 12!  But as we prepare to leave this long Epiphany (and seemingly interminable winter), and head into Prelent on February 20th, bidding our farewell to the Alleluia, something inside me cries:  "Yes, it's time."  Time to think of the Fast again.  Time to prepare for another assault on the flesh (which is still as pushy and ornery as ever).  Time to prepare for the journey toward the silence before the Cross and the explosion of joy before the empty tomb and the "Alleluias" of the Easter appearances.  Time to remember that beyond all the sorrows, the heartaches and even the joys of this life, there is a joy that is everlasting, shining in glory, and waiting for us to embrace it.  A completed righteousness.  A Father's "welcome home!" to his beloved children.  Resurrection beckons us!


  1. Oh No! Never out to pasture!

  2. And what is wrong with pastures? (smile)

    "In pastures green He leadeth me
    The quiet waters by."
