22 February 2011


How many of you are in parishes that print out the service in its entirety?  How many of you print out the liturgy but not the hymns?  How many of you don't use bulletins or hymnals anymore?  How many of you use a bulletin that lists the order of service and hymns in outline form?  How many of you list that outline form on an irregularly folded shield of 14" paper so that it can stick out as a service guide when placed in the back of the hymnal?  And if not any of the above, please "'splain" as Ricky used to say!


  1. I am trying to start a parish. We do not have a copier so I use a powerpoint to post all the congregation's parts in the liturgy.

    I normally just point them to the right page in the hymnal if a song we use is printed there.

    We tend to sing the Psalm portion of our 3 year lectionary in a metrical version. I put that in the power point as well as the other scripture readings.

    We had tried printing weekly worship booklets with everything, but it proved too expensive for us.

  2. For about a year or so now, we use an outline with an irregular fold so it sticks out when inserted into the back of the hymnal.

  3. Rev. Robert Wentzel10:00 PM

    We use the stick-out service guide. We love trees in Nebraska (Nebraska City is the home of Arbor Day) and try to use as little paper as possible.

    We also love hymnals that can last for generations and words that don't get tossed, recycled, or disappear into the ether when the projector is turned off.

  4. I'll assume you mean normal Sunday bulletin usage & not necessarily special services. With that assumption we use the hymnal every Sunday with an outline of the service & hymns printed out on a 14" bulletin so that it does stick out of the hymnal.

  5. Our parish prints out the service in its entirety (including hymns and Scripture readings) every week. There are no hymnals in the pews. In fact, the only hymnals that exist in the parish at all (as far as I know) are 1 copy of TLH in the parish library and the pastor's personal copy of LSB.

  6. We use a bulletin that prints out the Divine Service in it's entirety with corresponding Hymn #'s and pg # to locate that portion of the liturgy in the LSB. The bulletin includes a printed Introit (spoken responsively), a Collect of the Day (spoken in unison), OT reading, Epistle, Gradual, and Gospel reading using the NIV (I would prefer the ESV). Our pastor sings/chants the liturgy beautifully. Naturally, those visitors with no liturgical background find the "bulletin to hymnal dance" a bit befuddling, lol.

  7. For the Divine Service, it simply says, P. 15 in the bulletin and on the hymn board. But the propers are printed in the bulletin.

  8. Outline with propers printed out in the, well, proper places. Liturgy and hymns from the hymnal. Exceptions are made for certain festival services when everything is printed out except the hymns. Also, if we use DS5 in LSB, we will print the service in its entirety to avoid interrupting the flow of the service since so many hymns replace the ordinaries.

  9. Anonymous10:44 PM

    At home I the congregation (WELS) simply printed the parts of the order of service on the bulletin which is designed to stick in the back of the hymnal. The hymn-board is also used.

    In college (ELS) the church used to not print any service-related material except what rite was being used. Then it started to print the propers and hymns, and now it prints the entire service in the bulletin (i.e. all the texts of the ordinary and propers). (I'm surprised they haven't printed the hymn texts and sermon text [more than just an outline] yet.) If you ask me, it is a total waste of paper. I am no environmentalist wacko, but c'mon man, think about how many trees you just killed to print the announcements.

  10. How many of you are in parishes that print out the service in its entirety? YES in large print. How many of you print out the liturgy but not the hymns? YES again. How many of you use a bulletin that lists the order of service and hymns in outline form? YES How many of you list that outline form on an irregularly folded shield of 14" paper so that it can stick out as a service guide when placed in the back of the hymnal? YES, but on a 8.5x8.5 paper printed front and back.

  11. We use the 14' bulletin with the Service outline sticking out. People like it. I don't know why we bother personally. Nobody seems to actually read the announcements and such in there anyway. I tried a trial of 3 weeks without bulletins and there was a revolt.

  12. Thomas Winter1:17 AM

    14" page/irregular fold with service outline. Propers on an insert. Hymnal for everything else.

  13. I list the hymnnal page number and the hymns.
    I print the propers, which bothers my wife. (She can't stand putting the printed Word of God in the recycling bin each week. God bless her!)

    I encourage people to memorize the liturgy. How blessed it is when one can speak and pray liturgically without looking at the page!

    A parishoner takes care of the weekly anns. on an insert.

    I keep it simple.

  14. 14" irregular fold. I only list order of service, hymns, and readings like the old hymnboards. Propers printed on insert.

  15. Mark Latham7:38 AM

    I print out the service minus hymns for folks who don't need large print... for those who do the service comes with all the hymns printed out as well. I encourage them to take the bulletin with them for devotions during the week, especially since we put up-coming readings in for the next week.

  16. Irregularly folded 8.5" X 14" with the tab sticking out. Most of my members fold back the tab because the hymn numbers are on the hymn board. Propers are in the bulletin. LSB in the pews.

  17. We do the same as Pr. Gillepsie, but we also project the liturgy and hymns on a screen (something I inherited, but that is really nice for the elderly with failing vision).

  18. LSB in the pews but liturgy printed out (not hymns, unless not in LSB)... reason, before I came our people were accustomed to spectating and not participating (long story there)... after a couple of years of seeing many not open the book or their mouths, we met in the middle and printed it out... folks love it... also since we are a military town and draw people from all over the US and elsewhere, it has been easy on those who come from no hymnal congregations, no liturgy parishes, different hymnal churches, etc... Don't particularly like it but have found it useful... you have seen our bulletin and I think it is very well done (rubrics et al)... Cost? About $10-15 a week; we use about 2 reams of paper (8 1/2x14) and recycle them...

  19. One 8-1/2 x 11 folded bulletin with order of service, including hymns in outline form.

    Exceptions are that some special services are printed out in entirety, or will have a purchased cover.

  20. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The Church I attend (and cantor at) has a large bulletin that is basically 8.5 by 11 each page, so like a large book. It is usually about 20-25 pages!
    The entire Divine Service 1 is in there (they use Builder).
    Also the margins are used to include quotes from the Confessions or Church Fathers, or even some clever quote from some contemporary source that speaks to the liturgy and what is occuring.
    All of the hymns are in the bulletin (but only the melody unfortunately).
    The benefit of all this is the congregation SINGS! They know the liturgy VERY WELL and they don't have to jump around the hymnal.
    I personally wish we would use the hymnal, but the pastors seem to like the way things are and the people tend to take these bulletins home to study the writings and such so that is a good thing, I guess...

    Peter Sovitzky

  21. We print the entire service except for hymns. We used the CPH Every Sunday Bulletin Series so the readings are on the back cover of the bulletin. We have tried an outline but found that people were juggling too much when it came to the propers, such as the Introit, which is (currently) read responsively.

  22. From Pastor Lehmann

    We do the same as Pr. Gillepsie, but we also project the liturgy and hymns on a screen (something I inherited, but that is really nice for the elderly with failing vision).

    My husband would heartily approve. He says people who are against projection screens for the liturgy and hymns just don't realize how difficult it is for many who have lost their near vision to age to read the hymnal. A projection screen makes it a LOT easier. Nothing sacred about hymnals vs. projection screens. For more time than not the Church has had neither. Nice pastoral solution, Pastor Lehmann.

  23. Anonymous9:31 AM

    14 Irregular fold w/ the outline for us (Trinity, Wheatland, WY)

  24. We simply provide the hymn numbers in the bulletin and on hymn boards, the page of the liturgy in LSB, the psalm number in the bulletin and on the board (if it is not the Divine Service) a listing of the readings in the bulletin, and the CPH bulletin insert with the propers. LSB is in the pew. We do not print out the liturgy.

  25. 8.5 x 11 folded in booklet form. All liturgical elements and hymns listed with page numbers; propers printed out. Announcements on a separate half page insert. Some special bulletins have everything printed out on 11 x 17 folded in booklet form.

    Few people actually use the bulletins for anything other than the Introit and Gradual (and to read along with the Scripture readings), but when we proposed going to just a half page with the the Order of Service listed and the propers printed a little over a year ago, many said, "Please don't. We really love our bulletins!" So, we keep printing them out in the same fashion.

    If interested, we post all of our Service bulletins on our website: www.peacealma.org (click on Service Bulletins).

  26. The church I attend prints a bulletin consisting of an outline of the DS with page numbers and hymn page numbers. The propers in their entirety are also included except for the Proper Preface. They also print a bulletin in large print with everything including hymns.

  27. An outline with page numbers to LSB printed in the bulletin. Introit and three readings printed out as well. I also carefully state the page number every time a non-sequential page flip takes place (i.e. to a hymn, etc.)

  28. Anonymous10:39 AM

    We use the hymnal, and print an outline with page numbers and hymns in the bulletin. We don't irregularly fold, but you can see page numbers on a 14 in. bulletin. We also use the CPH insert for the propers of the day. I really like that our people actually participate with the service with the Hymnal in hand.
    Rev. Michael Erickson

  29. we print out an outline (page numbers for hymns and liturgical pieces). We also print the introit, gradual, and readings into the bulletin in the appropriate place. This is all on eight pages (two 8.5 x 14 pages folded and stapled), including a front cover, a prayer list, a schedule of the week's events, and announcements of upcoming events. The order of service itself is usually 4-5 of those pages depending on the length of the readings.

    Occasionally, if there is a hymn that we're singing not in the hymnal, we'll print that out too.


  30. Special service excepted, we use the hymnal and have the hymn numbers and which service we're using published in a normal 8.5 x 5.5 bulletin.

  31. Pastor Kevin Jennings12:03 PM

    At Mt. Olive, Corpus Christi, in the great Republic of Texas...

    Okay, here, we print a bulletin, 8 1/2 x 11, folded in half, with outline of the DS and hymn numbers. Some of my predecessors trained the people to use the hymnal, and that's a good thing.

    Special services (funerals, etc.)
    Large Print bulletins each Sunday have the hymns and liturgy.

    Truth be told:
    Most folks listen to my direction and follow the hymn boards.

    God bless!
    Pastor Kevin Jennings

  32. Anonymous12:05 PM

    We print out the entire service (words only) with page references for the hymnal. This makes it easier to make seasonal adaptations (e.g. Glory be to Jesus" during Lent in place of Gloria in excelsis; seasonal responsive prayer of the church, etc.)

  33. My parish uses a large sheet of paper that folds up into 3 double sided sections. The front flap will have the order of service & hymn (song) names while the rest is devoted to the announcements.

    Liturgy, hymn/song texts, etc are projected onto video screens. As a result, the LSB isn't really used that much, sadly.

  34. We use an 8.5 x 11 folder with the outline of the service, hymn title and numbers, and propers printed.

    For festival day services or when we expect a good number of visitors, we use an 11 x 17 booklet with the ordo printed (w/music) and the hymn titles and numbers included.

  35. 8 1/2 x 14 irregular fold with outline. CPH Propers insert.

  36. joel in ga3:52 PM

    Our WELS church uses a throwaway liturgy, discarded weekly, where the order of service is printed out but hymns are mostly indicated only by their number in the hymnal.

  37. Thanks to all who participated - and any others who may post yet. Quite an interesting mix!

  38. Anonymous7:40 PM

    As chaplain for a senior living community (and because we don't have hymnals) we print everything out. Liturgy, hymns, the whole nine yards. And we do large print, and LARGER print for the folks. Seems to work pretty well for us.
    At my former call (a parish) I printed an outline with hymn #s and page #s for the service, and the texts for the readings all on one 8.5x11 sheet of paper. Put it in three columns and folded it like a brochure. Worked just fine.

    Keith Weise
    Chaplain, Lutheran Senior Services at Meramec Bluffs,
    Ballwin, Missouri

  39. I like what we have now. I prefer to (and do) utilize the gold and burguncy ribbons provided with the LSB and use the hymnal for the Divine Service and hymns. I typically only refer to the bulletin to follow the Readings, Introit, Collect, etc. (and to review the weekly announcements). I like the size of our bulletin; rougly the same size as the hymnal so it's easy to handle. I'm not a fan of the "stick-out" style or the larger paper.

  40. The entire service is printed in the bulletin, and projected on the screen. Hymn numbers only though, not the hymns themselves. For that you have to actually use the hymnal, which is there, but as everybody sings melody and nobody sings parts, the hymnals stay in the pew rack through the entire service.

  41. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Entire text of liturgy is printed, including collect and lessons, but no music. We use the hymnal for hymns. The confession of sins changes each week, and oddly, so does the place of the offering: I never know whether it will follow the sermon, the Creed, or the prayers. There must be a reason for that, but I haven't figured it out and haven't bothered to ask the pastor.

  42. We print two bulletins per week in different formats. One is a single 8 ½ x 11 sheet with service outline on a “stick-out” sidebar. The propers are printed to the left of that and announcements go on the back. The other format was originally intended for guests who may not be familiar with a liturgical service. It has the entire liturgy printed out in booklet form. The hymns are only referred to, by title and number, though. Many of our members prefer the booklet, especially some elderly who find holding the hymnal to be uncomfortable. We also have a few “jumbo-print” bulletins available. The folks who use those have sung Pg. 15/DS-3 for many decades and actually prefer not having a printed liturgy (they find all the page turning to be a distraction) so only the hymns are printed out and placed into 3-ring binders. If on occasion we use DS-1 or DS-4, we do include the entire liturgy for them.

  43. Outline of the service, with page/hymn numbers. All the propers are printed in the appropriate place in the outline, including the chant for the introit (we chant it responsively), plus any non-LSB hymns that may be used. Plus a reading from the BoC, list of people in our prayers, notices, communion/offering statement.

    All in an A5-size booklet (we are in the Rest of the World), that runs to 8 pages all told.

  44. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Two services at my parish, the traditional which uses DSIII straight from the LSB in the pew racks, hymns also listed on the hymnboard.

    The second "blended" service uses a preprinted bulletin insert. We don't use screens or powerpoint.

    The bulletin also contains a CPH-generated insert with the Sunday readings. Large-print bulletins are available.

  45. Larry Luder9:07 PM

    Rev. Weedon,

    The following saids it all:


  46. We continue to use LSB with Liturgy and hymn pages listed in the bulletin and on the Hymn Board.

    I will occasionally print out the entire service for the congregation on Feast Days (last Christmas the crowd decimated a bunch of our hymnals). I also print a bulletin out for the Advent and Lenten Midweek offices that contains all hymns and psalms for the season. We have them return them each week, saving us a lot of work.

    Each week I print out a "Pastors" edition with all hymns and liturgical portions for me (and for an elder if we have any assisting).

    I'm still big on actually using the hymnal itself.

    We have NEVER projected anything on the walls!!! :-)

  47. I realize this is an old thread, but our congregation is finally making the jump to LSB. We were printing the whole thing out using the Lutheran Service Builder, but now are considering new formats, including the fold that sticks out. Not wanting to reinvent the wheel I was wondering if someone has recommendations for what to print, and what not to print?
