23 February 2011

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

Obviously the "theology of the cross" does not mean that for a theologian the church year shrinks together into nothing but Good Friday.  Rather, it means that Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost cannot be understood without Good Friday. -- Hermann Sasse, *We Confess: Jesus Christ* p. 39.


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    The wooden crib at Bethlehem is
    connected to the wooden cross at
    Calvary. Christ was born in human
    flesh so He could die for the sins
    of humanity. If you celebrate
    Christmas you must celebrate Good

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    The Theology of the Cross as Luther
    understood and defined it is about
    the problem of the Theology of Glory.
    Luther was opposed to anyone who
    thought their good behavior merited
    salvation. He put the emphasis on
    God's free gift of salvation to
    everyone who believed in the crucified and resurrected Christ.

  3. Would not the protoeuangelion of Genesis 3 also take a proper place within the theology of the cross?
