27 February 2011

Zname To, Pane Boze Nas

Cantor:  O God, Father in heaven, have mercy upon us!

Your heart, O God, is grieved we know
By every evil, every woe;
Upon Your cross-forsaken Son
Our death is laid, and peace is won.

Cantor:  O Son of God, Redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us!

Your arms, extend, O Christ, to save
From sting of death and grasp of grave;
Your scars before the Father move
His heart to mercy at such love.

Cantor:  O God, Holy Spirit, have mercy upon us!

O lavish Giver, come to aid
The feeble child Your grace has made.
Now make us grow and help us pray:
Bring joy and comfort, come to stay!

LSB 945 [by Juraj Tranosvsky]


  1. I'm dying to try this! I need the courage to do it.


  2. Anonymous6:49 AM

    we do it replacing the Kyrie for all Sunday in Lent... last year I had my Dad (95 yr old retired SELC pastor) do all the antiphon in Slovak. Next year (retired) I will miss my control over liturgy and hymnody, ouch! Harvey Mozolak

  3. We first discovered and delighted in this using LBW in Douglasville, GA.

  4. A treasure that needs to be resurrected in our church, among Slovaks and non-Slovaks alike.

    -Vicar Robert Paul
