24 March 2011


They're up in the garden.  I swear, that is the sweetest smelling flower in all the world.


  1. Stephanie5:37 PM

    Hyacinths yes, but don't forget Honeysuckle - will be here in a couple of months! I love how you can smell it along the Madison County bike trails (the ones between Edw and Hamel, anyway)!

  2. Yup - love that too. Right outside Hamel is a big batch, also lots on the way up to Staunton.

  3. Anonymous8:13 PM

    If you want to smell fragrance go
    to the Rose Bowl Parade on New Years
    Day. That is the most enjoyable
    experience for flower lovers as you
    sit in the grandstand and smell the
    roses as the floats parade past you.

  4. I enjoy coming home each day and smelling my hyacinths. As soon as I walk out of the garage, I can smell them - sweet!

    One of my very favorite scents: nicotiana sylvestrus, flowering tobacco. It's night-fragrant. Heavenly!

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Ours have been up for almost two weeks and tulips are also up.....Pastor Peters

  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    One of my very favorite scents: nicotiana sylvestrus, flowering tobacco. It's night-fragrant. Heavenly!

    They are wonderful, Sue, and much beloved of Hummingbirds!


  7. And they self-seed, so I haven't planted new ones in several years. A few years ago I had one come up clear across the yard from the original planting. They are wonderful!
