21 March 2011

Long, long day

Cindi and I were up and off to the Y before the sun rose.  Home for a power-shake and some coffee.  Matins.  Led devotions and taught at school (we did Palm Sunday and aftermath today).  Chapel at daycare/preschool (with practice for the Easter program).  Baked a loaf of whole-wheat no-knead bread that I had started yesterday.  Finished up services for Holy Saturday and Good Friday and shipped to Joanie.  Dinner (with a slice of that whole-wheat bread, bacon, eggs, cheese).  In the afternoon, sent Joanie the Catechism service for next Sunday and then worked on a bunch of Every Sunday Bulletin and got that shipped off to CPH.  Service for Maundy Thursday prepared.  Wedding bulletin readied for Cox/Mayes marriage.  Blogging.  Thinking about texts for Sunday. Supper. Church set up for Wednesday's service.  Voters assembly - at which we gave a call to Pr. William Gleason to serve as associate at St. Paul's.  Glass of wine to chill.  And now?  BED!

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