13 March 2011

Totally made my day

not only to have the joy of Tiffany's Baptism today, but to see Lillian AND Verna at late service.  Isn't it odd how when health troubles take folks who are weekly present out of the church attendance, you feel a gaping hole in your gathered community?  So good to see them both back again. I had literally been awakened last evening thinking about Verna and deciding that I simply HAD to get in touch this week to see how things were going, and voila!  She was there.  Deo gratias!


  1. I know what you mean about the hole in the community. A former organist of ours commented to me once how hard it was for him to look down from the balcony and see gaps which represented a member who had died.

    I'm glad you were so blessed today!

  2. Tiffany = Theophania; a lovely name.

  3. Me too, Sue. Thanks.

    Dr. Tighe, Tiffany is an orphan. She lost her mother some months ago and her Uncle and Aunt have taken her in. They are members here. It was a glorious and great joy and indeed a Theophany as God shone His light upon her in the holy Sacrament.
