09 April 2011

Judica Joys

Well, tomorrow at early service we'll recognize the Baptism of Claire Sievers and then immediately after late service, celebrate the Baptism of Bryce Henry.  (As an aside, I believe that he is the THIRD Henry baptized in the last couple years!).  Right after that, I'm headed home to cook Cindi's birthday meal (her birthday actually falls on Tuesday, but this is when we could get the family together).  She has chosen breakfast.  A hash brown casserole is already mixed up and sitting in the fridge; we'll add to that some sour cream pancakes, bacon, sausage and some scrabbled eggs.  Hopefully I'll be able to pull it all together at roughly the same time!  Lauren and Dean, Bekah and Shawn, David and Meaghan, Jo and Dave will join Cindi and me for the feast.  Later in the day, I have some confirmands stopping by for their individual examination and confession.  Four are already finished, and I'll finish up three more tomorrow.  That will leave but six more to go!  Also, a huge thanks to everyone who showed up today to clean the church -- it was looking beautiful and smelling mighty clean tonight at the Divine Service.  Can't believe that our last Passion Vespers is this week, and then we're launching into Holy Week.


  1. Only thing missing is some grits. They do still have grits in southern Illinois don't they? That's where my dad was raised and he purely loved them, got my Iowa raised mom to make them as often as possible. Mixed marriages, you know.

    Past Elder (since I'm logged in as me)

  2. Alas, Terry, no grits. Kids do not like them; I very much like them, though, drenched in butter.

  3. I didn't like them as a kid either. But now, I ausgeflippt when I discovered you can get them at IHOP!
