11 April 2011

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

There can be no renewal of the Lord's Supper without renewed preaching, preaching that is not just the pious talk of a man but disciplined exposition of Holy Scripture that strikes the heart.  Such preaching grows out of serious study of the Scripture, plumbing the depths of the divine Word. It should not be that the hearer of the text will always know exactly what is coming next because he's heard it a hundred times before. -- Hermann Sasse, *We Confess:  the Sacraments* p. 34.


  1. That was a good one. I feel decidedly pricked though. "Lord, be merciful to me, a preacher who strives to rightly handle Your Word."

    As much as I loved the Nagel quotes, I am appreciating the Sasse. I have two of the three We Confess books. I've been reading them at lunch.

    Thanks. Jeremy

  2. I felt pricked as well - or pierced through by the Spirit's sword.

  3. By God's grace, I am beginning to recover the connection between the spoken word and the visible words, both sacramental words -- according to Bishop Bo Giertz.
