25 April 2011

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

Our first task must be to celebrate the Sacrament of the Altar again and again quite seriously, but also with the blessed joy of the first Christians.  Moreover, we Lutherans have the great freedom that exists as was already mentioned, in the celebration of the Roman Mass.  It can take place in utter simplicity but also with the full splendor of the ancient liturgy of the Lord's Supper, which Luther preserved and the Lutheran Church kept for two centuries with such great love as a priceless treasure. -- Hermann Sasse, *We Confess:  the Sacraments* p. 109.


  1. Off topic, but what a beautiful picture. As an altar guild member, it's always interesting to see what other people do with Easter lilies, etc. One of the men in my church made a flower pot holder (for lack of a better term) one for both sides, holding 4 each, plus a single for each side up one step, for a single plant. Used for poinsettias also. They are at an angle, so you can really see the flowers, not the stems!

  2. Thanks, Sue. Kenny and Sharilyn set it up differently every single year. I like the idea of the tilted pot holder - that was clever!
