21 April 2011

Prayer for Maundy Thursday - A. C. Piepkorn

No offering that we could bring could possibly reconcile us to Thee, our God.  All that we can plead is the work of Thy Son, His perfect obedience in all that He did and all that He suffered, His Body nailed to the Cross for us, His Blood poured out for the forgiveness of our sins. As by the mystery of the sacramental union Thou hast made His true Body and Blood present for us in this Bread and in this Cup, for us Christians to eat and to drink, so, we beseech Thee, let it be present in Thy sight also as the price of our redemption.  Let it remind Thee that Thou hast forgiven mankind in the reconciliation which Thou hast wrought in Thy Son.  Before Thee we appeal to no virtue, no righteousness of our own, but only to the alien righteousness of Thy Suffering Servant and Son, our true Paschal Lamb, which was offered for us and has taken away the sins of the world, Who by His death has destroyed death, and by His rising to life again has restored to us everlasting life.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Professor A.C. Piepkorn was my
    instructor for Christian Dogmatics
    at the St. Louis Seminary in the
    mid-1960's. I will always remember
    him for his humble piety when he
    partook of the Sacrament and his
    humility in the classroom as he
    taught the Christian faith. He
    truly was a man of God.

  2. Blessed are you, anon! I envy you that experience. He is my teacher too, but only from his writings, which I dearly love.
