15 April 2011


Just found out via Facebook that my dear and old friend, Bruce Dormier, entered into eternal rest back in December.  I am so shocked.  Bruce was always the most alive person I've ever known - so full of energy and with such a quick mind and tongue.  We became unlikely friends back when I was all of 16 or so, and he was 28.  He was crazy!  I mean, he'd drop by on an evening and say:  "Let's go get some ice-cream."  Then when we were on our way, I'd ask:  "Where on earth are you going?"  "Oh, it's just north of Philly.  Great place.  You'll love it."  Or the time he decided:  "We need to visit New York."  "But," I said, "it's already 7 p.m.!"  "No problem.  The city doesn't sleep.  It's amazing."  And off we went.  Or when I went to visit Bronxville for the first time - not too long after Daddy had died.  It was Bruce who took me - and his car broke down!  I remember thinking:  "If Daddy were alive, he'd come and get us."  But there was no one to rescue, and Bruce taught me to trust that God will take care of even things like this.  We ended up having a grand old time, even waiting for his car to be repaired.  Or the time he stopped by when I was a student at Bronxville, and said:  "Let's go up to New England."  "But it's snowing!"  "It'll be beautiful."  And it was.  I remember that one in particular because I forgot to tell anyone I was leaving and my friends were near to panic when I finally showed back up.  But it was a great trip.  I remember we arrived at Keane, New Hampshire just as the sun was setting and the snow was all around the city square.  It was right out of Courier and Ives.  He came to our concert at Alice Tully Hall and then we rode the Staten Island Ferry for a bit - Krauser, Bruce, and I don't remember who all else.  Or the time he bopped in for a few minutes down in North Carolina on Christmas Eve of all things.  Wouldn't hear of staying - he was on the move and was never a big observer of the Church Year - but he did join us for a meal.  Funny things I remember about Bruce:  "Don't put your head on the window.  It will leave a smudge."  And his great, great love for the teachings of Malcolm Smith, with the wonderful accent on grace.  And his absolutely unique and delightful style at the piano - wild, energetic, crazy just like Bruce.  So many, many memories.  Alas, friend.  To think I never even realized you were gone.  I should have felt it in my heart.  Well, for all the joys you brought over the years, and the laughter and the trips and the lectures on smoking (I did give up that pipe years ago!) - thank you!

P.S.  And Bruce was the first to introduce me to the Atkins diet!


  1. You would bring up the smudgy window, wouldn't you.

    Anyway, very sorry to hear of his passing. May his memory be eternal!

  2. LOL. Deb, I forgot that was YOU! I just remember thinking it hysterically funny. Indeed, memory eternal!

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Joy and sorrow kiss each other when a loved one dies in Christ, yes?

