08 May 2011

It's official...

...Pr. Gleason was installed this morning by President Scharr as Associate Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church.  Yeah, I was feeling kinda short.  Sort of like the old days with Stu and Brian...


  1. Fr. Weedon,

    When's the last time you had an associate pastor at St. Paul's? Was this needed because of the growth of St. Paul's? Just curious is all.

  2. Pr. Gleason has been an "unofficial" associate for some years. We just "regularized" the situation. No, St. Paul's hasn't grown a bunch in recent years - we're still at 740 or so baptized, but let me tell you that 740 is definitely a handful of folk sometimes, and so I'm very grateful for the help!

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Pastor Weedon:

    Which one is Pastor Gleason?

  4. This is great, and I hope helps dispel the idea that all the action is in city parishes.

    My parish is an urban one and the pastor also has a call to a nearby other urban one. He is retiring, so that situation was "regularised" between the two so the new pastor will have one call that includes both.

    I saw the call list but don't know any of them.

    My old parish has had two pastors for some time. But I see the website does not identify services as to whether it is Communion or not, just as to whether it is "traditional, blended, contemporary" and there is now a "Missional Moment" in the newsletter. My current one may have the bloody three-year lectionary, a screen and praise group (there's an organist too) but that's mild these days, almost conservative!

  5. Pr. Gleason is in the center.

  6. Terry,

    The Lutheran Christians of Omaha deserve better. Seriously!

  7. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Why didn't you bring the stepstool they gave you?

  8. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Dear Pr. Weedon,
    What you do is stand on a higher step in the chancel and put the tall guys below.

    [I've seen it done... no names.] :)


  9. It's NOT a step stool. It's a "liturgical equalization platform." I still have it...

  10. Helen, I DID think of it...
