10 May 2011

New Lutheran Quote of the Day

Every statement of the Gospel is a corollary of the forgiveness of sins.  -- Dr. Norman Nagel, Lectures on Systems II


  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    God's LOVE is the foundation of the
    Gospel message. "For God so LOVED
    the world that He gave His only
    begotten Son...." God's love was
    responsible for the fact that He
    forgives our sins for the sake of
    His Son Jesus Christ.

    However, this LOVE of God is shown
    in other ways besides forgiveness.
    Out of love God does not always
    answer our prayers the way we expect. God empowers us to have
    faith in Christ because He loves us
    He does what is best for us because
    He loves. This is also Gospel.

  2. To speak of everything as a corollary of the forgiveness of sins is to speak of all as flowing from what our Lord was up to on Calvary. So St. Paul can argue that Christ's resurrection is tied to forgiveness: "if Christ is not raised, then you are still in your sins." It's to learn to know God out from what He did for you upon the Tree and to see that as the foundation on which all other things rest.
