31 May 2011

REMINDER: Ascension Day - "that He might make us partakers of His divine life" (Preface)

The Feast of our Lord's Ascension into heaven will be celebrated this Thursday (June 2) at St. Paul's with Divine Service at 7:15 a.m.  Join us for the bright joy of this day!

Hail thee, festival day,
Blest day to be hallowed
Day when our risen Lord
Rose in the heavens to reign.

He who was nailed to the cross
Is ruler and Lord of all people.
All things created on earth
Sing to the glory of God.

Daily the loveliness grows,
Adorned with the glory of blossom;
Heaven her gateway unbars,
Flinging her increase of light:

Hail thee, festival day!
Blest day to be hallowed forever;
Day when our risen Lord
Rose in the heavens to reign.
--LSB 489 (Fortunatus, c. 530-609 AD)

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