23 May 2011

What We Ask For...

Since this coming Sunday is "Ask!" Sunday - Rogate - I thought it good to look at the things the Church prays for during the days of Easter in the Divine Service collects.  Some pretty nifty stuff:

Easter Vigil:  "that we may live before You in righteousness and purity forever."
Easter Day:  "that we who celebrate with joy the day of our Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by Your life-giving Spirit."
Easter Day:  "Grant that all our sin may be drowned through daily repentance and that day by day we may arise to live before You in righteousness and purity forever."
Easter Monday:  "Continue to send Your heavenly gifts upon Your people that they may walk in perfect freedom and receive eternal life."
Easter Tuesday:  "Grant us this peace evermore that trusting in the merit of Your Son we may come at last to the perfect peace of heaven."
Easter Wednesday:  Grant that we who have been raised with Him may abide in His presence and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory."
Easter 2:  "Grant that we who have celebrated the Lord's resurrection may by Your grace confess in our life and conversation that Jesus is Lord and God."
Easter 3:  "Grant to Your faithful people, rescued from the peril of eternal death, perpetual gladness and eternal joys."
Easter 4:  "Grant faithfulness to all who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ's Church that they may avoid whatever is contrary to their confession and follow all such things as are pleasing to You."
Easter 5:  "Grant that we may love what You have commanded and desire what You promise, that among the many changes of this world, our hearts may be fixed where true joys are found."
Easter 6:  "Grant that we may think those things that are right and by Your merciful guiding accomplish them."
Ascension:  "so may we also ascend in heart and mind and continually dwell there with Him."
Easter 7:  "Leave us not without consolation, but send us the Spirit of truth whom You promised from the Father."

What can one say but "through Jesus Christ, our Lord:  AMEN!"

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