15 May 2011

What A Weekend...

...yesterday began early with the girls arriving at the house to prepare for Robyn's wedding - Robyn (who has been like one of our own for years) got dressed here.  The wedding was at 2.  After pictures (go, Meaghan!!!!) and all, down to the reception to say the blessing, and then back to celebrate the Saturday Eucharist.  Afterwards, went to the reception for a few more minutes, was FORCED to dance with my wife (she dared to use that sad puppy eyes look...irresistible).  Dean and I made an escape home and were just settling in for a good discussion over a couple glasses wine, when Cindi called that Jo was prepping for emergency surgery.  We all took off for the hospital and got to see her before they took her in.  It was 12:40 or so by the time the surgeon came out to tell us she'd suffered a perforated colon and he had had to do an emergency (and reversible) colostomy.  Lord, have mercy!  Without the surgery she'd have died last night, he said.  Thanks be to God that Sandy INSISTED that she was going to the hospital - Jo fought it all the way.  Home and in bed by about 1:30, but of course with much on the mind and heart.  Morning came, but the old body did NOT want to get out of bed.  Glad to hear this a.m. that she was awake and grumpy - wanting her glasses and book.  Off to do Sunday services and Bible Class, though kinda worn out, and yet energized by the Gospel that I got to preach and to teach in Bible Class - but at end of second service, tank was definitely nigh unto empty.  Came home to a brief meal with Sandy and Cindi, and then off to the hospital again.  Jo was looking fairly good today, but understandably more than a tad discouraged and weary over it all.  Keep her in your prayers, it's a rough road.  I left after a short visit and prayer, and came home for a nap.  Cin stayed with Dave and Sandy.  Still ahead today is Evening Prayer for the Kindergarten and 8th Grade Graduation for our school.  That's in about 2.5 hours and the church still needs to be tidied up!  Am looking forward to an EARLY bedtime tonight.  I hope...

1 comment:

  1. So thankful that the surgery was performed and went well, and hope you all get good long peaceful nights of sleep tonight.
