27 June 2011

Even when he was a tyke...

...no one wanted to sit beside him because he made such a mess when he ate.  Some things never change.  This is from last night - pancakes, remember?  Only David dropped his butter and proceeded to "get it up" by wiping it across the table.  Sigh... Good luck, Meaghan!  We're counting on you to succeed where we have failed!!!  LOL.



  1. My middle son makes a huge mess when he eats. He is 5 now. You're telling me that he won't outgrow this! Oh no! And you tell me this while I'm trying to arrange a marriage to a good LCMS girl. This will scare her off unless she also makes a huge mess when she eats!

  2. Oh, well, David has a WONDERFUL Lutheran lady that he has been seeing for some years. She's not scared off from the huge task - and I believe that she and she alone could pull it off! So do not give up hope. :)

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Of all sad words, by tongue or pen, the saddest are these:
    "She'll make a man of him."
