11 June 2011

From the Pentecost Liturgy...

O Holy Spirit, enter in and in our hearts Your work begin, Your dwelling place now make us... The Spirit of the Lord fills the world, alleluia!... O God, on this day You once taught the hearts of the faithful by sending them the light of Your Holy Spirit.  Grant us in our day by the same Holy Spirit to have a right understanding in all things and evermore to rejoice in His holy consolation... Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love... Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord, be all Your graces now outpoured on each believer's mind and heart; Your fervent love to them impart... and sitting at Your right hand, poured out on this day the promised Holy Spirit on His chosen disciples.  For all this the whole world rejoices with exceeding joy... Pour out Your Holy Spirit on Your gathered people that, faithfully eating and drinking the body and blood of Your Son, we may go forth to proclaim His salvation to the ends of the earth...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    “O Holy Spirit, enter in and in our hearts Your work begin…”
    It’s ironic, but I have only received the Holy Spirit once, when I was baptized, and He has been doing His work in me ever since. You, however, who have had countless fillings, are still waiting for Him to begin His work in you, even while you are a pastor in the Church of Christ. Or is there some way we can add the prefix “re” to “begin” in the English language and still retain a pretense of rational communication?

    Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit will do His work in spite of all that.

    Peace and Joy!
    George A. Marquart
